Privacy & Protection

Data Privacy and Data Protection

We take your privacy and the protection of your data very seriously.

Your privacy and the protection of your data are important to us. You and the legislator decide if and how we process your data: Either you allow us to or we have a legal permission. In the following we describe how we collect and use information.

Data Protection online

finiotech is the sole owner of the information collected on the website. We do not sell, share, or transfer this information, except as set out later in this statement. We use your information to improve the website's performance, improve our marketing, and for administration.

Any third party provider of services to finiotech is subject to strict obligations to maintain confidentiality and to comply with applicable data protection laws. The information we collect is described below.

If you visit our website some data is sent to us by your browser and will be recorded, like e.g. type and version of your browser, your operating system, finiotech webpages you visited, date and time of your visit, your IP address, etc.

We use this information anonymously to analyse trends, administer and optimise the website, track users' movements on our website, and to gather statistical information about the use. We do not calculate a fingerprint from this information. We store this information for 7 days.


If you decide to register for our personalised service we collect some personal information like name, address, and other contact data. Registered users may always update or delete those data. Furthermore, upon your request, we inform you which personal data we have stored about you.


When you register for our newsletter we use your data only for this purpose. In order for your registration to take effect we use the 'double-opt-in' procedure: We validate your email address by sending a confirmation email containing a link.

You may withdraw your consent to store your personal data in order to receive our newsletter at any time. At the end of every newsletter you will find a link to unsubscribe.

Contact Form

If you contact us via email or our contact form your data is stored in order to process your request and for follow-up questions.

Fee-based Services

In order to provide fee-based services we ask for additional data like payment details. To secure these data during transmission we use state-of-the-art encryption.


We use Google Analytics, a web-analysis provided by Google Inc. ('Google').

Google Analytics uses so-called 'Cookies', text files stored on your computer that enable an analysis of your use of our website. Information gathered with the help of Cookies about your use of this website is regularly being transferred to servers operated by Google in the United States of America ('US') and stored there. We employ IP anonymization (so-called 'IP-masking') so that your IP address will be shortened by Google in the European Economic Area before being transferred to the US. Only in exceptional cases such as a technical failure, it may happen that your full IP address may be transferred to Google servers in the US and then be shortened, there. On our behalf, Google uses this information to examine your use of the website, to provide reports about the website’s use and to provide us with related services. The IP address transferred by your browser will not be combined with other data by Google.

You may block the storage of Cookies by adjusting your browser settings; however, in this case not all functions of the website may still be available. Moreover, you can prevent the collection and use of the data collected by Cookies (including your IP-Address) by installing a specific browser plugin offered by Google and available at the following link:

Google Remarketing

This website uses Google's 'Remarketing' function. Visitors of our website are presented ads based on their interests. In order to do this your browser stores a Cookie helping to recognise you if you visit websites belonging to the Google advertising network. According to Google no personal data is stored.

If you want to deactivate this function generally please choose your settings accordingly under

Or you deactivate Cookies for this type of interest-based advertisment by following the instructions under


Like many other websites we also use Cookies to receive certain data like browser, IP address, operating system, etc. With the information stored in these Cookies we can provide the correct display of your website and help you navigate. In no case do transfer these data to third parties or link them to personal data.

Most browsers accept Cookies by default. Please consult the help pages of your browser if you want to change this default. Some parts of our websites may no longer function if you deactivate Cookies.

Google AdWords

finiotech's website uses Google's Conversion Tracking: If you found our website via an ad Google AdWords will set a Cookie on your computer. This Cookie lasts for 30 days and is not used to identify you. The information is used to calculate how many users clicked on an ad to reach the respective website. If you do not want to participate in the Conversion Tracking you may generally forbid the automatic setting of Cookies, or you may set your browser to block Cookies from the domain '' specifically. In case you delete all Cookies from your browser you have to set the opt-out Cookie again.

Your right to know, correct, block, delete, and contradict

It is your right to be informed about the personal data we have stored. Likewise, it is your right to correct, block, and delete your data – given that legislation allows for the latter. In order for a block to work your data has to stored in a blacklist.

You can communicate data changes or the withdrawal of your consent to to process your data by sending a corresponding message.

Changes to finiotech's Data Protection Policy

This document is regularly reviewed and is subject to change at our discretion to reflect legal requirements or new services.

Data Protection Officer

[email protected]